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Di-isobuttyl Phthalate

Reputed with vision to maintain the market need, we Ashish Impex engaged in manufacturing and supplying the standard variety of Di-isobuttyl Phthalate at market leading prices. The chemical compound belongs to the plasticizer family which is widely used in PVC, a rigid plastic industry. Furthermore we cover the major market of nitrocellulose lacquers, elastomers, explosives, nail polish, and solid rocket propellants where this product is used in large demand. 

Product Details:

Product Type Di-isobuttyl Phthalate
Color Colorless
Molecular Formula C16H22O4
Molar Mass 278.35 G/mol
Purity 100%
Form Viscous Liquid
Uses Rocket Propellants, Plastics, And Insect Repellants Etc
Boiling Point 320 °C
Density 1.038 G/cm3
Precaution Keep Away From Skin
Brand Ashish Impex
Quality A Grade
Place Of Origin India

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