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Di-isononyl Phthalate

From the starting of establishment, our company is continuously improving in the domain of manufacturing and supplying of Di-isononyl phthalate. The product is also known as DINP, used in adhesives and sealants, paints and coatings, and many more materials. It should be used with proper safety because it can cause tumors in the liver, spleen and kidneys. For safety purposes we avail this product in safe packaging material.

Product Details:

Type Di-isononyl Phthalate
Molecular Formula C26H42O4
Density 0.98 G/cm3
Appearance Oily Viscous Liquid
Purity 100%
Quality A Grade
Grade Standard Industrial Grade
Used In Making Flexible Plastics
Boiling Point 244 To 252 °C
Combustible May Be Combustible At High Temperature
Solubility In Water <0.01 G/mL At 20 °C
Viscosity 64 To 265 MPa·s
Molar Mass 418.618 G·mol−1

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