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Diacetone Alcohol

In order to ensure the market value we are capable of fulfilling the market demand by manufacturing and supplying the Diacetone Alcohol at minimum price. The product belongs to the alcohol family so it can catch fire when it comes in contact with fire. The product is available in perfect packaging material and can be used in photographic film, hydraulic brakes and many more. It is soluble only in organic solvents due to its chemical properties.

Product Details:

Type Diacetone Alcohol
Density 938 Kg/m³
Color Colorless
Form Liquid
Odor Odorless
Formula C6H12O2
Molar Mass 116.16 G/mol
Compound Organic Compound
Boiling Temperature 166 °C
Solubility In Organic Solvents
Usage Photographic Film Hydraulic Brakes Etc
Packaging Type Plastic Container
Assay 99% Min

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