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Diethylene Glycol

As per the market demand our company is immensely involved in manufacturing and supplying the reliable quality of Diethylene Glycol at market leading prices. This product belongs to the glycol family and has application in coolants, rubber compounding, pesticides etc. this product is available in plastic drum packaging with sealed packed on drum cap. We never compromise with the quality of the product so we completely examine this product before supplying it to the market.

Product Details:

Type Diethylene Glycol
Molar Mass 106.12 G/mol
Chemical Formula C4H10O3
Appearance Colorless Liquid
Purity 99%
Physical State Liquid
Solubility In Water Miscible
Odor Odorless
Application Coolants, Rubber Compounding, Pesticides Etc
Uses Manufacturing In Saturated And Unsaturated Polyester Resin, Polyurethane, Plasticizer Etc
Packaging Type Plastic Drum
Grade Standard Industrial Grade

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