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We are among the illustrious companies in the field of manufacturing and supplying Nitrobenzene at affordable prices. The product is derived from benzene compounds also categorized in organic compounds. This is used in manufacturing lubricating oils such as those used in motors and machinery. Moreover it is also used for dyes, pesticides, drugs, and synthetic rubber. It is a health hazard material during any use prefer proper clothing.

Product Details:

Chemical Type Nitrobenzene
Quality Available A Grade
Physical State Liquid
Usage/Application Industrial
Soluble Insoluble In Water
Molecular Weight 123.11
Melting Point 5-6 DegreeC
Boiling Point 210-211 DegreeC
Chemical Formula C6H5NO2
Shelf Life 12 Months
Purity 99%
Packaging Size 50 Kg

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