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Octoic Acid

With our fast and modern transit facilities, our company is dealing with Octoic acid at marginal rates. Octoic acid is an organic compound also known as 2-Ethylhexanoic acid(chemical name). We have extracted this acid from palm, coconut oil and milk. The acid is available in a completely sealed packed bottle so before accepting the delivery make sure the product specification is mentioned by the company.

Product Details:

Chemical Type Octoic Acid
Appearance Colorless Liquid
Boiling Point 228 Degree Celsius
Formula C8H16O2
Packaging Type Drums
Usage Industrial
Physical Form Liquid
Usage/Application Lubricants, Coolants, Cosmetics Etc
Molecular Mass 144.214 G·mol−1
Boiling Point 228.1 °C
Purity 100%
Chemical Name 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid
Quality Available A Grade
Manufacturer Ashish Impex

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