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Poly Submersible Winding Wire

Since we have established our base in this highly competitive industry, we are readily engrossed in the arena of presenting Poly Submersible Winding Wire. This wire is known for water resistance, tear resistance, higher mechanical strength, least current leakage, easy winding, high tensile strength, and long life. Customers can get this Poly Submersible Winding Wire at an industry-leading price.

Product Details:

Minimum Order 50
Type Insulated
Product Type Submersible Winding Wire
Function Easy To Use
Usage Electric Motors, Electric Heaters Etc.
Insulation Material Polyester And Polypropylene
Conductor Material Aluminum, Copper
Packaging Type Carton, Bobbins
Core Material Copper
Withstand Temperature 60 To 105 Degrees C
Strand Type Single Strand, Multi Strand
Elongation 26%
Tolerance +0.008 Mm
Nominal Resistance 34.29 Ohm/km At 20 DegreeC
Nominal Conductor Diameter 0.8 Mm
Overall Diameter 1.1 Mm
Weight Of Poly Wrapped 5.052 Kg/km

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