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Potassium Nitrate

Our company is offering the Potassium Nitrate at a minimum range of price. The product has a lot of uses such as to make explosives, matches, fertilizer, fireworks, glass and rocket fuel. We make it available for industrial, commercial use as per the requirement of customers. Our experts use HDPE, plastic bags during delivery of this product.

Product Details:

Chemical Type Potassium Nitrate
Grade Standard A
Physical State Crystals
Soluble In Water, Ammonia, Glycerol
Assay 98.5%
Formula KNO3
Purity 98-99%
Chloride 1.5% Max
Moisture Maximum 1 %
N As Nitrogen Minimum 13 %
Chemical Name Potassium Nitrate
Manufacturer Ashish Impex
Origin Made In India
M.O.Q 50 Kg

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